Pequawket Kids Afterschool
The After School Program for Kindergarten through 4th Grade Students attending MSAD 72.
PKA's Session #5 Registration Deadline is April 11th.
Session #5 will start May 1st.
The Last day of PKA will be June 13th.
Dear Parents,
The PKA After School Program Session #5 will start on May 1st 2024.
The registration deadline is April 11th at 8:00 a.m.
Students registering late (after the deadline) will start the week after we receive your forms.
Space is limited and all registrations will be filled on a first come first served basis, so register early!
Remember, past due accounts must be paid before we can accept your session #5 registration.
Please make checks out to “MSAD72-PKA”, or you may pay with cash.
Payments are due with your registration.
Please be aware that all checks will take between 4 to 8 weeks to process.
There are a limited amount of scholarship funds available to assist MSAD 72 families.
Scholarship applications are available from PKA and through your school's office.
Requests must be approved by your school's principal before the registration deadline (April 11th), so be sure to speak with your school's administrator early!
Faith Timberlake-Alves & Penny Richards
Coordinators for PKA the after school program for the elementary students of MSAD 72.
PKA Session #5 Registration
Session #5 starts May 1st.
The registration deadline is April 11th at 8:00 a.m.
To register fill in pages 1 and 2 of the registration form (right) for each child ,
then return your completed form
with your payment to your school,
or directly to PKA at the Molly Ockett School.
For more information contact:

PKA Information
Our program is available for all children in the MSAD 72 School District who are attending kindergarten through fourth grade. PKA is located at the Molly Ockett School in Fryeburg. Students from New Suncook and Brownfield-Denmark Schools will be transported by bus to the Molly Ockett School at the end of the school day. PKA runs five sessions through the school year, Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Every afternoon PKA provides academic support, a nutritious snack and a wide variety of enrichment programs. Please see the posted registration form for details on our current programs.
For more information please contact:
Email: or
In case of emergency please call (603) 730-2347 - to reach the PKA Staff during PKA program hours. Please do not leave a message at this number. We do not check email during program hours.
Call the Molly Ockett School Office Phone: (207) 935-2401 - For messages during the school day until 3:00 p.m.
Daily Schedule
2:10 - 2:35 Students arrive
2:45 - 3:00 Snack Time
3:00 - 4:00 Homework Help
4:00 - 5:00 Enrichment Activities
5:00 - 5:30 Free Choice Games
5:30 Parent Pick-up
Student pIck up will occur only at the Molly Ockett Cafeteria.